Uprising of the Righteous: Defying the Corrupt

This message is addressed to the Secret Service. 

In the shadows of our community, there exist those who are more creature than man, subhuman in their treachery and deceit. These despicable beings have clawed their way into positions of influence, not through honor or merit, but through manipulation and lies. They have spent countless hours throughout the years weaving webs of deceit, controlling the narrative and swaying public opinion to their favor. These creatures are the embodiment of corruption, and they stand as a stain on the legacy of our beloved community.

On July 23rd, these cowards, fearing the rise of a new force, declared war on us—the Secret Service. We were but a fledgling army, with only a single event under our belts and one piece of land to our name. But it was not courage that drove them to attack us; it was fear. Fear of what we represented. Fear of our potential. Fear of the justice we would bring.

They came at us, ACP, Templars, and PIC, three armies strong, hoping to crush us before we could even take our first steps. But we fought back. Against all odds, we stood our ground, battling them single-handedly pushing the conflict into overtime. Though they ultimately claimed victory and forced us into a non-aggression pact, they could not break our spirit. We took the loss not as a defeat, but as a lesson, a preparation for what was to come.

Now, that pact has expired. And with its expiration, we have brought to light the truth about the Templars’ creator—a figure who, at just 17, engaged in deeply inappropriate behavior. This evidence, dating back to 2021, is but a glimpse of the depravity that runs through their ranks. Who knows what other horrors have been committed since then? A brave individual stepped forward with evidence that exposes the true nature of these creatures. We made this evidence public because people who engage in such vile acts do not deserve to hold power, influence, or respect in our community. And this is only the beginning. Much worse is yet to be revealed, truths so dark that they fuel our determination to fight these monsters to the very end.

The war has resumed, and this time, we face their largest and most formidable army. But we do not fight for glory, nor do we fight for revenge. We fight for our community. We fight for our dignity. We fight because it is the right thing to do.

In this battle, we will give it our all. We will stand firm, united by the truth and by our unwavering commitment to what is just. The Secret Service will not falter. We will not bow to these creatures. We will rise, and in doing so, we will cleanse our community of the corruption that has festered for far too long.

For our community. For our dignity. For what is right. We fight.

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