Meet the Templars


A multitude of individuals have stepped forward to show their support for Xing, diligently working to reshape the narrative surrounding his actions. These efforts often involve downplaying the seriousness of the situation, diverting attention from the core issues, and minimizing the concerns of those directly impacted. The aim of this coordinated endeavor is to blur the lines of Xing’s misconduct, casting him as the wronged party instead of acknowledging the harm he has inflicted. Within the Club Penguin Army community, where power dynamics and influence can go unchecked, a troubling reality has surfaced – one that demands attention. This brings us to the present, where we must recount how Xing, the creator of the Templars, used his position of power, his online influence and his status in armies to manipulate, control, and ultimately victimize an innocent girl who never asked for any of this.


Xing specifically targeted this individual likely because she had no prior affiliation with armies and didn’t even have a Discord account, making her an easy target in his eyes. He likely believed that he could manipulate her without consequence and after exploiting her, he attempted to silence her by banning her from his server, confident that she would have no means to fight back or expose his actions.

Xing also employed a classic manipulation tactic by flaunting his supposed popularity with other girls and showcasing his relationship with a “hot girlfriend,” using this as a way to attract and entice other girls, further exploiting their emotions and trust to draw them into his web of control.

It all started with a simple, innocent joke. Xing, who held considerable sway in the community, posted a photo of his “girlfriend”. Among the many comments, one stood out – an innocent, lighthearted reply from a girl who said, “no I’m your girlfriend.” It was nothing more than a playful remark, the kind you might expect in an online community where humor is often light and carefree. But for Xing, this was an opportunity – one he would exploit in the most sinister ways.

What followed was a calculated and deliberate campaign of manipulation. Xing, armed with his status as a prominent figure in the community, began to target this girl, using a variety of tactics to pull her into his web. He love-bombed her, showering her with attention, affection, and compliments, creating a false sense of closeness and attachment. Little did he know, it didn’t really work on this specific target, but it didn’t stop there.

He introduced the “empress role” – the highest rank in his online community – as a tool of manipulation. By offering her this role, he dangled power and status in front of her, further deepening his control over her emotions and decisions. The role wasn’t just a title; it was a symbol of his influence, a means to make her feel special, important, and above all, obligated to him. Effectively using his position in armies. 

Xing’s manipulation extended far beyond just the armies and Discord communities; he also manipulated his peers and connections on social media platforms, revealing the depth of his deceitful nature and the calculating way his mind operates. This pervasive behavior underscores not only his lack of integrity but also his willingness to exploit anyone in his path, regardless of the platform or relationship.

As the manipulation intensified, Xing resorted to even darker tactics. He threatened to kill himself, a classic move of emotional blackmail, designed to trap her in a cycle of guilt and responsibility for his well-being. This was not just an abuse of his power; it was an abuse of trust and humanity.

What was once a harmless joke spiraled into a nightmare of manipulation, control, and abuse. Xing, using every tool at his disposal – his position of power, his influence in the community, and his authority as the owner of the Discord server – victimized this innocent girl, leaving her to deal with the emotional and psychological aftermath of his actions.

But the story doesn’t end there. When the truth about Xing’s actions began to surface, instead of facing the consequences, those around him began to spread rumors and lies, attempting to control the narrative and downplay the severity of what had happened. They tried to spin the story, claiming that this girl was his girlfriend, as if that somehow justified or excused his behavior. But no amount of spin can erase the reality of what occurred. And that is why this post was made. 

This is not just a story about one man’s abuse of power. It is a story about the dangers of unchecked influence, about the way power can corrupt, and about the importance of holding those in positions of authority accountable for their actions. The truth cannot be buried under lies and manipulation.

They have made countless attempts to create new distractions around this issue, creating different years and ages, suddenly going out of their way to paint figures like Lord Pain as villains in a desperate bid to divert attention away from the fact that Xing acted without consent on an unsuspecting girl on Discord and it’s disgraceful, to say the least. 

6 Responses

  1. Holy fucking shit, this guy is genuinely messed up. This is your leader, Templars, this is who you follow. This is who you fight for. Join the right side, join the good side, join the winning side, join the Secret Service. An army where you won’t have be under a desperate loser’s rule, where you won’t have to feel scared before indulging in a joke, where you won’t have to feel threatened.

    Sincerely, sua.
    Chief of Staff (3ic)

  2. Looking at the situation, I can certainly agree that what Xing did was distasteful; I am speechless. It is not right for the Templars to hide Xing’s actions by portraying other SS figures as villains when they cannot respect their values. I do not understand how TCP supporters such as Sidie9 and Shallissa diverted their way from their home army, PIC, to an army of immoral individuals, TCP. I am sorry to hear that the girl in question was victimized in such a disgusting way.

  3. Well this is some peak degeneracy, and whats the worst way to handle a case like this? Act like it never happend in the fucking first place… I swear we need a exocution this year of all the diddlers and manipulators.
    But I ask the people who are reading this, this is what you call home? An army that welcomes individuals who do shit like this? I dont wanna be like sua and market SS to you but put any army that hasnt acted like this in the cards man (aka no TCP PIC ACP).
    As Chief of Staff, I hope that the individual in this whole situation has recovered in some shape mentally…

  4. Xing disgusts me

  5. […] making some claims against the army. On August 31, the war was still ongoing. The Agents composed a post titled “Meet the Templars”, which brought many facts underlying allegations against TCP founder […]

  6. Hearing the things she said im never ever joining templars after this, like what the heck is this,
    Guys from templars please consider joining Secret Service Because they are very cool and much much better than ur army.

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