RPF: A Disgrace to All Armies

The Rebel Penguin Federation (RPF) has become a disgrace to the legacy of armies, especially to the creators who built it. Lord Pain, Silverburg, and Elmikey dedicated years to making RPF what it once was—a powerhouse of honor and warfare. Now, the very founders have been banned from the army they helped shape. It’s a betrayal not just of the individuals but of the principles that armies like RPF once stood for. They’ve tarnished the essence of warfare, and their current actions are a mockery of what this community used to represent. They pride themselves on being the so-called “good guys,” always striving to appear morally superior. But the truth about the Rebel Penguin Federation is far from that illusion. From engaging in doxing to total manipulation and control, RPF has become a disgrace to the very essence of what armies should be. Over time, they’ve transformed into something increasingly sinister and morally repugnant, straying further from the values that built this community. In this post, we’re pulling back the curtain to reveal the disturbing reality behind their facade.

A Culture of Manipulation

RPF operates like a tightly controlled regime, a “North Korea” of the Club Penguin army world. They manipulate and gaslight their members, isolating them from the rest of the community and making them feel like there’s no other option but to stay. Instead of fostering a healthy, competitive environment, they use fear and coercion to keep people under their control, warping the culture into something toxic and suffocating.

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No Code, No Honor, No Integrity

At the core of all this, the RPF stands as a hollow shell of what an army should be. They have no code, no honor, and no integrity. Every action they take proves this further. From banning their own creators to manipulating their members and declaring a war out of fear, they’ve shown that they are unworthy of the legacy they once held. The moral of this story is clear: RPF has fallen, and their actions will ultimately lead to their own undoing.

At the heart of RPF’s actions is jealousy. The Secret Service has been singled out not because we’ve done anything wrong, but because we’ve become what they can never be—an army built on real values. Their manipulative and secretive tactics are simply an attempt to mask their insecurity, but their obsession with maintaining control over the community is obvious. RPF didn’t declare war on the Secret Service because they’re confident in their strength—they did it because they’re afraid. They know we represent a growing force, one that threatens to expose their weaknesses and challenge their dominance. Their war declaration is an act of desperation, a last-ditch effort to prevent us from continuing our rise. RPF has shifted focus away from the actual battles that defined armies and turned the game into something unrecognizable. Instead of fighting, they’ve filled their events with pointless socializing, meaningless chatter, and costume parties. What was once a battlefield has been replaced with emote spamming and “clown events.” The entire culture is now based on popularity, not skill or strategic ability, completely undermining the point of the game. I wonder why that is.

RPF operates like a tightly controlled regime, isolating its members and manipulating them into staying. Their approach feels more like brainwashing, creating a toxic environment where members are gaslighted into believing there’s no alternative. Rather than fostering healthy competition, they use tactics of fear and control to keep people in line, destroying the true spirit of the community. RPF has become hollow, losing all the honor, integrity, and principles that once made them great. From banning their founders to manipulating members and launching a war out of fear, they’ve shown time and again that they no longer have a moral compass. In the end, their actions will only serve to undermine them further. They are a betrayal to all armies. 

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We absolutely refuse to tolerate the tired and overused tactic of playing the “moral high ground” by sharing out-of-context screenshots of people saying “mean things.” This method is nothing more than a façade, wielded by individuals who are, at their core, far more twisted than they let on. We are systematically eradicating those who lack any sense of morality, integrity, or honor—those who have held undue influence over the armies community for far too long. These people have spent years trying to amass power in a space that was meant for fun and healthy competition, and now we stand as the force that will obliterate them once and for all. The reign of these manipulators is ending, and they will no longer have any grip over this community.

One Response

  1. I told you to leave RPF alone last night and now you’ve done it again by pissing me off!

    What in the nine hells of Corellia is WRONG with YOU?! Bullying those poor little Rebels!

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