RPF (Real Proud Frauds) – Watch The Party Die

Amidst the surprise declaration of war along with RPF’s attempts to control the narrative by posting screenshots from like 2020, we did not take an in depth look at the screenshots that were sent to us. It is now clear that these screenshots were created by Elexonck and Link3000 themselves in an attempt to discredit the entirety of the post.

At first, we didn’t scrutinize these images closely, but it’s now obvious that they were manufactured by Elexonck and Link3000 themselves to undermine our post. The fact that a burner account conveniently joined the SS Discord, specifically sent these to Lawless (former RPF staff) out of all people, and even used an editing website rather than inspect element is too calculated to be coincidental. Every falsified screenshot was so poorly executed that it was immediately debunked by the community. It was a clever attempt by Link3000 and Elex, but it also reveals the depths of their manipulation and how far they’re willing to go to twist the truth and control the narrative.

The image above is how any normal proper person would edit a discord message. Using inspect element.

All of this only serves to reinforce the reality that the current RPF leadership is rooted in deceit, lacking any sense of honor or integrity. They stand among those responsible for tarnishing the legacy of what was once a great and thriving community. And as someone who has no idea what the internal relationships between the RPF administrators is, I find it very interesting that they chose to edit the screenshots in the way that they have.

The Secret Service stands as the most righteous army, and nothing you attempt will ever change that. You’ll have to try much harder if you even want a chance.

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